Does Your Pet Struggle With:
Musculoskeletal Problems?
Neurological Problems?
Inflammatory Problems?
Gastrointestinal Disease?
Skin Problems?
Veterinary Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an incredibly ancient therapy that dates to the remains of a man preserved in ice in the Otzal Alps. Referred to as Otzi and revealed in 1991, he was noted to have tattoos printed along the meridian and acupuncture points to treat pain associated with spondylosis of the lumbar spine and degenerative joint disease of the right knee and ankle. CT studies revealed these pathologic findings and supported the use of the acupuncture treatment to modulate pain. Since then, it has been used for centuries to establish balance and support, heal the body naturally, and control pain.
Acupuncture induces a neuromodulatory response that can promote self-healing, improve blood circulation, control pain, and reduce inflammation. It is also useful to reduce stress response within tissues, deactivate trigger points, inhibit neurodegeneration (chronic damage of nerves), and has an antioxidative effect on many tissues including nervous tissue.
Common Conditions
That Respond Well
to Acupuncture:
• Musculoskeletal problems (i.e. muscle strain, arthritis, intervertebral disk disease)
• Neurological problems (i.e. degenerative myelopathy, traumatic nerve injury, paralysis)
• Inflammatory problems (pain and inflammation associated with any structure or organ)
• Gastrointestinal disease (i.e. diarrhea, vomiting, inflammatory bowel disease)
• Skin problems (i.e. lick granulomas, allergic dermatitis)
How it Works
A tiny needle smaller than the diameter of eight-pound fishing line is inserted in a local region of nerve endings, blood vessels, and lymphatics also known as an acupuncture point. These points lie just under the skin and form a meshwork throughout the body connecting different channels, organs, muscles, and connective tissues. Each point serves a different function and once activated can stimulate a neurohumoral response to act locally at the site, speak directly to the spinal cord, and also influence endorphin release from the brain. Acupuncture will not cure every condition, but it can work very well when it is indicated.
For more information, please follow the links below, or contact Dr. Wallis.
See resources page for more scientific articles and information.